2023 Most Reputable Companies
Global RepTrak® 100
The New Normal has turned out to be anything but, and global Reputation Scores reflect that.
The Global RepTrak® 100 (GRT) is the definitive ranking and analysis of corporate reputation for the world’s leading companies. For over a decade, The RepTrak Company™ has ranked the 100 Most Reputable Companies to celebrate global reputation leaders. A lot has happened since the release of the 2022 GRT 100, and resulting data indicates a radical fluctuation in 2023.
Countries Surveyed
Annual Study
Most Reputable Companies

How we measure and determine the world’s most reputable companies is the same way we measure and report on corporate reputation on a daily basis. Through a combination of machine learning (ML), AI, and natural language processing (NLP), our reputation intelligence platform combines and analyzes millions of perception and sentiment data points from online surveys, mainstream media, social media, business data, and additional third party sources.
A 360° view of reputation
Reputation is dynamic in nature, it’s one of the many reasons we measure it so thoroughly. Our reputation wheelhouse expands beyond just one score—measuring how people feel, think, and act towards companies globally. Combined with Industry Benchmarks, Brand, and ESG, our reputation measurement system gives you the intricate details behind why reputation overall is down in 2023, and how the most reputable companies fared across different reputational elements.
Data this good could never be boring.
What's inside the report:
2023 data is different.
We cautioned that 2022’s results were a warning shot. Twenty twenty-three’s results are the reckoning.
ESG hasn't gone away.
Our ESG insights demonstrate that it’s not just one thing that has Scores decreasing, it’s everything.
Financial frustrations
From the price of eggs to NFTs, the past year saw troubling (and bizarre) financial trends—impacting stakeholder behavior.
This year's ranking is waiting for you.