You’re likely familiar with our world-famous Global RepTrak 100, our annual ranking of the World’s 100 Most Reputable Companies where we explore the evolution of Corporate Reputation over the past year. Now, RepTrak has ranked the Nasdaq 100 based on their ESG Scores. We’re outlining how they’re setting the standard—and how others are falling short.
You’re gonna want to see this.
ESG insights that are "always on."
The Methodology
This list ranks Nasdaq 100 companies, who reach a familiarity threshold of 14%, based on their RepTrak ESG Scores for the first half of 2022. How we measure and determine this ESG ranking is the same way we measure and report on corporate reputation and ESG for our clients on a daily basis. Through a combination of machine learning (ML), AI, and natural language processing (NLP), our reputation intelligence platform combines and analyzes millions of perception and sentiment data points to demonstrate who, among the Nasdaq 100, the U.S. public believes has the best ESG.
After all, perception is reality.
Note: RepTrak’s ESG metrics don’t include an organization’s self-reporting on environmental, social, diversity efforts, etc. RepTrak’s ESG metrics measure what the public perceives about an organization’s efforts.

ESG is new standard of business practice...
and we have a lot to say about it.
We all fall down...
Don’t get dazzled by the star power of these brands, ESG is down across the board in 2022. The Nasdaq 100 has a lower overall ESG Score and saw more drastic fluctuations compared to our broader collection of US companies.
Business Outcomes
We don't just measure reputational elements, we also measure how it impacts consumer behavior. RepTrak's Business Outcomes provide powerful insight into the broader impact of ESG.
Playing favorites
Environmental tends to receive an inordinate amount of attention compared to its Social and Governance counterparts. But you’re going to need more than green attitude to achieve a strong ESG.